Thursday, April 24, 2003

Noam Chomsky's Golden Rule is an article written by Eric Bosse and appears on

Here's a bit: "Chomsky points out that the distinction between terrorism and counterterrorism is often a matter of perspective, though the counterterror tends to be far more terrible. This hypocrisy, this inability to recognize one's own crimes as crimes, Chomsky argues, is not a singularly American trait.

"As far as I know," he explains, "it's universal. Anyplace I've looked – and I've looked at a lot of different countries – that's exactly what you find. During the whole history of European imperialism, this is the standard line: We do it to them, it's counterterror or a just war, bringing civilization to the barbarians, or something like that. If we do that in their own countries – because remember, until September 11, the West was largely immune – at a vastly worse level, it's not terror. It's a civilizing mission, or something like that."

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