Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Courtney Love Loves Being a Retard

Check out this MTV interview with Kurt Loder & Courtney "I Killed Kurt Cobain" Love. It's a disturbing read for sure. Here's a bit:
After the show, there was a little meet-and-greet down in the bar, mostly for the fans, who were still buzzing. I asked one girl what she thought Courtney had been doing that made her almost two hours late for the gig, and the girl, not missing a beat, said, "Oxycontin." Then Courtney walked into the room. She didn't seem to be drunk or high or anything, but she was, of course, very Courtney. "This is Lisa," she said, introducing one of her guitarists, Lisa Leveridge. "We used to be teenage prostitutes together." Lisa appeared to have heard this before, possibly many times.
Loder had me laughing a few times, but in a sad way. Man, like I told my brother... going to see a Courtney Love concert is like going to see a Mike Tyson boxing match. You're not going for the purity of the medium (boxing or music)... instead you are there to see the circus, freak, side-show... awaiting for them to seriously fuck something up and someone to the hospital.

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