The questions:
1. Boxers or briefs?Yes, thanks to everyone for the questions. And now the answers.
2. You're UTG in a NL cash game; would YOU rather have The Hilton Sisters or Big Slick suited?
3. If you could legalize any two laws, what would they be?
4. Taking everything you've learned with you, what age would you like to be for the rest of your life?
5. If you could have been born in any other American generation, which would it be?
6. Multiple choice. How would you rather spend a Wednesday evening?
a) Tossing some cahhhhds with Doyle Brunson & Johnny Moss.
b) Swapping licks & lyrics with Robert Hunter & Jerry Garcia.
c) Going on assignment with Raoul Duke & Dr. Gonzo.
d) Getting teabagged by Paris & Nikki Hilton?
7. Who is your favorite team member of the Bad News Bears?
8. What's a bigger prize, a WSOP bracelet or a Pulitzer?
9. Home poker game, you can invite 7 other people throughout history to play. Who and why?
10. Where are the snowden's of yesteryear?
11. Do blind people dream?
1. Boxers or briefs? - NemoD
Boxers. Fruit of the Loom, size 34-36. Some days I like to free ball.
2. You're UTG in a NL cash game; would YOU rather have The Hilton Sisters or Big Slick suited? - Phriedom
Big Slick suited everytime and twice on Sundays. I like my chances with a better drawing hand than QQ... which can get cracked by any K-x or any A-x in theory. The Hilton Sisters usually lose for me when I go up against suited Slick.
3. If you could legalize any two laws, what would they be? - BG
Pot and poker. Vote for me in 2008. I'll let you get stoned and allow you to play cards anywhere in America.
4. Taking everything you've learned with you, what age would you like to be for the rest of your life? - Bob
Six. Everything I ever learned, I learned in Kindergarten.
5. If you could have been born in any other American generation, which would it be? - Johnny FlopBoot
I guess the Baby Boomers because that would mean I would have been a hippie during the Summer of Love, and I could have followed The Grateful Dead around when they hit their peak in the mid 1970s. And I could grow up (in NYC) watching the best athletes play... Mickey, Willie, and Walt Clyde Frazier!
6. Multiple choice: How would you rather spend a Wednesday evening? - Snail Trax
a) Tossing some cahhhhds with Doyle Brunson & Johnny Moss.TOUGH choices, man. Usually I spend my Wednesday nights watching The OC and then the WPT. But if I had a free Wednesday night to spend, It'll have to be swapping licks with Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter. I'd love to play Ripple with them. I wouldn't be a true Deadhead if I didn't say that. Hunter Thompson on assignment would be a close second, followed by cards with Doyle & Moss. And as far as Nicky & Paris go... it's all over rated. Once you've had one hotel heiress, you've had them all.
b) Swapping licks & lyrics with Robert Hunter & Jerry Garcia.
c) Going on assignment with Raoul Duke & Dr. Gonzo.
d) Getting teabagged by Paris & Nikki Hilton?
7. Who is your favorite team member of the Bad News Bears? - Derek

Tatum O'Neal circa 1975
The pitcher, Amanda (Tatum O'Neal). She was my first Hollywood crush. I guess even at an early age of 8, I started the trend of falling hopelessly for California blondes with substance abuse problems. Twenty plus years later... I'm still weak for emotional wrought, California blondes with substance abuse problems.
8. What's a bigger prize, a WSOP bracelet or a Pulitzer? - BadBlood
Pulitzer, no doubt. I could get lucky and catch a few cards and capitalize on someone's mistakes to win a WSoP bracelet without being the best player. But to win a Pulitzer, I'd really have to do something impressive, close to penning a masterpiece, and I'd have to be in the Top 1% of all scribes to get to that level of excellence. If Moneymaker and Varkoyni can win one... a bracelet seems a lot easier than a Pulitzer.
9. Home poker game, you can invite 7 other people throughout history to play. Who and why? - Al Can't Hang
The players:Hunter brings the drugs. Affleck brings the snatch. Doyle brings credibility. Al Can't Hang brings the Soco. Clinton brings the coolness. Sinatra brings the good stories, and MC Hammer is the Dead Money. Anyone who blows $250 Million in a few years can play at my poker table any time!
Seat 1: Hunter S. Thompson
Seat 2: Bill Clinton
Seat 3: Doyle Brunson
Seat 4: Ben Affleck
Seat 5: Al Can't Hang
Seat 6: Frank Sinatra
Seat 7: MC Hammer (before he went broke)
Seat 8: Dr. Pauly
Al Can't Hang (to Affleck): "So how big is J. Lo's ass?"
Affleck: "Good size."
Dr. Pauly: "Bigger than a bread box?"
Doyle: "Everything's big in Texas."
Bill Clinton: "I like big butts, I cannot lie."
Hunter: (mutters something incoherent then tosses his cards in the air)
Frank Sinatra: "Who cares. Put a bag over her head and just do your business, kid."
MC Hammer: "Stop! I got 2-7 offsuit."
10. Where are the snowden's of yesteryear? - The Poker Penguin
Great Scott! Catch 22 is one of my favorite books alltime!! Yosarian is the man! To answer your question, let's jump into the heart of the text:
It was easy to read the message in his entrails. Man was matter, that was Snowden's secret. Drop him out a window and he'll fall. Set fire to him and he'll burn. Bury him and he'll rot, like other kinds of garbage. The spirit gone, man is garbage. That was Snowden's secret. Ripeness was all.Snowden's death is the easy answer. Bury the dead. They stink up the joint. So where are the Snowden's of yesteryear? If I told you the complex answer, then you wouldn't buy my next novel.
11. Do blind people dream? - Iggy
Yes they do. It depends on how much sight they had before they went blind. Sometimes blind people will dream about the particular level of sight they once had. Other times they have auditory dreams, or dreams based on your other senses.
Thanks again to everyone who submitted questions!!
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