Don't miss out on some great music...
Yesterday I got an e-mail from Lori telling me that GDRadio.net was broadcasting streaming audio of the Phish show in Deer Creek that I was just at!! I used to listen to GDRadio.net all the time, but for some reason stopped about a year ago. I found out that on Thursdays and Fridays at 1pm EST... they play LIVE PHISH. Check in today from 1pm to 6pm (?) for some killer Phish flow! I wonder if they will be playing the Alpine Valley shows?
Anyway, I was having a not-so-good morning yesterday after dealing with some personal stuff. I was stuck in such a bitter mood that my entire day was thrown out of whack. I planned on playing in a poker tournament online in the morning, write in the afternoon, and play more poker in the early evening. Eveything was thrown outta whack. I know now, that when my head isn't on straight, that I need to avoid playing cards and stay away from writing until I am focused. Luckily, in mid afternoon I checked my email and got word from Lori about the webcast of the Phish show... I had no idea I'd hear two shows... both Deer Creek shows. I was pumped up. That Down with Disease > Rock and Roll was even sicker listening to it the second time... than seeing it live in person. Anyway, Phish and some amazing memories pulled me outta that wicked funk... and I was able to write a little bit and I was focused enough to play poker online for two hours (I broke even)... with Phish on in the background. I called up a few folks and emailed everyone else... telling them about the shows. A few friends fired up the webcast at work and were pretty excited I told them about the site.
Never underestimate the healing power of music. By the way... most of the time, GDRadio.net plays mostly... Grateful Dead... 24 hours a day! And they air Phish shows at 10pm on Saturdays.
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