First Issue of All In Magazine
I have been getting a lot of inquiries about the article in All In Magazine which mentioned the Tao of Poker. I know a lot of you would like to read the entire article. Unfortunately, there is not text version of the actual magazine. It's unavailable in web format. However, Henry Wasserman (a.k.a. HDouble from the poker blog The Cards Speak) posted his article on his website. Check out: The Viral Phenomenon of Poker Blogs. Here's a bit:
Poker has only gotten bigger in the past year, and the number of poker bloggers continues to increase. It’s been about a year now since I gave birth to my blog, and I’m constantly amazed at the quality and quantity of writing produced by my fellow amateur poker players. Poker blogs have drastically grown in number—while only a handful of poker journals were online in 2000, there are now over 200 poker blogs. Everybody’s writing about poker—from high school students playing $.50-$1 online to the star of Stand By Me, Wil Wheaton.Of course HDouble lists a bunch of poker blogs. Here's what he said about Tao of Poker:
Pauly brings his Hunter Thompson-like insanity and his background as a writer to the capture the New York City poker scene. Since he made plenty of dough trading stocks on Wall Street, he has the luxury of traveling around the country and playing poker at all hours of the day. His blog is full of chemical-induced diatribes on topics ranging from betting on the Oscars to losing big in Vegas...Obviously, HDouble is an excellent writer he shared two excerpts of his novel in past issues of Truckin'. Check them out.
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