"From wonder into wonder existence opens." - Lao TzuWell it was another odd weekend... sports wise, pop-culturally and socially. I woke up drunk on Sunday after a hellacious 12 hours of drinking with Al Can't Hang and Mrs. Hang, and yes, it some twisted, demented way, I was hungover this morning. Oh well. Al Can't Hang is a rock star. No one parties like him anymore. Our oldest living President, the Gipper died on Saturday. I wonder if he knew who he was when he passed? In the shocker of the week, J. Lo got hitched... for the third time. She's the Liz Taylor for us Gen Xers. By the time I'm 40, she'll be married 3 more times. D-Day had it's 60th anniversary... and those guys who stormed the beaches were real heroes. Those damn Frenchies should be thanking our grandfathers every day of their lives. Calgary lost game 6 of the NHL finals and have one more shot to bring the Stanley Cup back to Canada. The Pistons beat up on the LALA Lakers to take game 1 of the NBA finals. Smarty Jones lost because the fix was in. No Triple Crown winner this year. But I love horse racing... I used to know more, but that knowledge has slightly faded, in favor of memorizing poker statistics. Mr. Tenet, the CIA head, got the boot. At least he wasn't whacked.... yet. The Sopranos sucked this season. The best scene was when Paulie Walnuts beat the shit out of the lawn mower man... then took the lawn mower. And of course, Lindsay Lohan is getting me more readers every day. Thanks to my new favorite redhead... and her boobs, real, fake, or not... I don't care. Keep those hits and tits coming. Yep, just another random weekend in the life of the Tao of Pauly.
I woke up at the crack of dawn to start my biggest writing binge in a very long time. Writing a novel or screenplay is like running a marathon. You have to work out everyday if you want to be able to runt he big race when that day arrives. And this week will be one heavy work out. I've been waiting for the right time to unleash all the bottled up feelings and thoughts that have been festering for the last few months. Slowly, they will ease themselves out of my twisted mind and formulate words and sentences. I hope they are coherent enough. I finally took a break after a serious session. My neck hurts.
Phish tour is starting so very soon... so I'm trying to get as much writing done this week, because I know I won't have any time to write the rest of the month, once I hit the road. In due time... I will hit the road once again.
Mahalo Folks,
Dr. Pauly
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