I got a job offer on Tuesday. I'm gonna take it because it pays a lot of money. More details to come.
On Monday night, Vegas got hit with one of the most spectacular lightening storms that I've ever seen. We were driving on the highway when bolts and shards of electric of elecricty started raining out of the sky.
I ate brekfast at the Grand Cafe this morning with Grubby and Change100. I ordered the chocolate chip pancakes and a side of bacon. Any day is a great day if you start it with bacon. They also serve the pancakes with syrup on the side and an entire bowl of melted chocolate. Grubby dipped his toast in there a few times.


I met Wil's wife at the Hooker Bar. Wait, that sounded bad. I was drinking at the hooker bar with April, Michalski, SarahBellum, Jen Leo, Otis, and Change100 when Wil walked over with his wife who's visiting from out of town. She pointed out one woman who we think was a hooker. On our way out, we saw one who was definitely a hooker.
In case you were wondering... former Star Trek actor has a hot wife.
I played Monday, and Michalski played in the WSOP on Tuesday. I wore my lucky Grateful Dead Stal Your Face hat and a Poker Stars golf shirt. Michalski sported a pink shirt and ladies sunglasses. I think he officially came out of the closet. You decide.

"Did he borrow those from Clonie Gowen?" wondered Change100.
If you don't know she was hired by PokerBlog.com to write a regular WSOP poker fashion column where she points out everyone's fashion faux pas.
Recent Writing Music...
1. Eric Dolphy
2. Black Keys
3. Ben Harper
4. Herbie Hancock
5. Widespread Panic
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