I wrote a few articles last week. I have to work on one today. I have two due before I leave. Damn deadlines.
My grandma had a BBQ on Sunday. I think it was my going away party. I ate three cheesebugers and one hot dog. Oh and some chicken. She gave me $500. That was my cut after she won a $10K slot machine jackpot at Mohegan Sun Casino this past week. Old ladies and slots. Go figure. I told her I was going to use the money to play poker in Las Vegas. She laughed.
I'm disappointed I haven't read as many books as I hoped to this year. I founf myself rereading poker books I've read at least twice before. I finally finished a few books from Marshall McLuhan. His work is fascinating. I've been on a McLuhan binge. I had been hoping that he could clue me in on how to understand the media, espeically since I'm officially "one of them."
One of Iggy's friends that I met in Cincy, GMoney, sent me a cool Grateful Dead botleg from Salt Lake City in 1973. Man, that was an epic year of the Dead. It might be one of my favorite years besides 1977. The Eyes of the World is delicious.
Boy Genius also hooked me up with a plethora of good music for my pod. I think he sent me a dozen or so discs filled with mp3s. Some serious and devestating Miles Davis in there and all the jazz he selected kicks my ass. Miles from Tokyo. Are you shitting me? His version of Walkin off of Live at the Plugged Nickel is one of the most inspiring pieces of music I ever heard. I fire that up at least once during my moning writing sessions. I'm a big Art Blakely fan so it was a treat to get some of his stuff. I have plenty of old jazz CDs, but I'm too lazy to rips them to mp3s. Glad that BG could hook me up just before I head off to Vegas.
That reminds me of another thing on my list of Things to Do When I Get an Intern.... rip all my old CDs and Dead bootlegs to mp3 format. I'm sure I could find a cute Phishy chick who wouldn't mind uploading my vast musical archives for a few killer Dead shows.
I've been listening to a few podcasts the last two weeks. Here are two that I highly recommend.
1. Closet Deadhead... It's run by an old school head, Sam, and he has well over 25 podcasts archived with various goodies involving the Grateful Dead.
2. Nugs.net... These guys have been hooking me up with great music for the last few years. They added podcasts. They currently have a Trey Hammerstein one up and ready to be downloaded to your ipod. The Jazzfest one is insane featuring selections from Galactic, Widespread Panic, Trey and the Super Jam.
On the sports front, after winning 14 out of 16, the Yankees got their asses handed to them this weekend. And I got my ass kicked at the poker table. Coincidence? I played in several tournaments and only made the money in one. Not impressive at all.
This news item made me laugh, Female Teen Arrested in Running Prostitution Ring, particularly this bit:
The girls charged $50 to $60 for each trick. The 16-year-old "pimp" kept most of the money for herself and would give the others some spending money for cigarettes and food...Damn, that's some funny ass shit. Give BJs and get all the smokes and MCD's you want.
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