Grubby called me from LA and gave me the scoop on Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. He told me it was a PR stunt, at least that's what he's hearing on the streets on Hollyweird from one of his inside sources. There is still some hope for me.
Briana left for Europe today without updating her blog! I miss her already. I'm sure I'll go into serious withdrawal next week. With her being absent from my day-to-day life and not sucking up huge bouts of my emotional energy (just kidding), I'll have more time to write.
I cranked out a ton of shit this weekend, some of it personal and some of it freelance work. I wrote a player profile on Dan Harrington, worked on Part 3 of my Existentialist Conversations with Strippers, whipped up a review of Empire Poker, and even wrote 1200 words on the former professions of current pro poker players. I also took a peek at some of the edits on the next issue of Truckin' that Jessica worked on last week.
I had a couple of articles published in the past week on three different sites. Here they are:
1. The Next Champion (Poker Player Newspaper)I also picked up two or three more freelance assignments which would bring the total to about 14 pieces I've been contracted to write for May. That's a shitload of work, but I have to take as much as I can get. I completed four pieces and have ten more to go. I'm in one of those modes when I just want to write as much as I can before I go out of town this weekend and get all kinds of fucked up. Daddy over at Snailtrax is a professional party guy. So is Iggy. And I'm hanging out with both next weekend. My mind will be frazzled for sure when I get back to NYC... then I have two more Trey Band shows. Yikes.
2. Phil Ivey player profile (
3. Play Poker Like the Pros... and Go Broke (Poker Magazine)
4. Book Review: Small Stakes Hold'em by Ed Miller (
5. Chris "Jesus" Ferguson player profile (
I finally told my mother that I was moving to Las Vegas to cover the World Series of Poker. She took it very well. She was more pissed that I was skipping off next weekend for Mother's Day. Whatever. Since I'm a big time writer she decided to institute a "pay-what-you-eat" system at her apartment. I guess it's just like that episode of Seinfeld when Jerry got sick of Kramer coming over and eating all his food, so he began keeping a tab. My mom is doing that now, especially on bacon consumption because bacon is pretty expensive and I keep eating up all her bacon. What can I say... I like bacon. She emailed me my bacon bill. Unreal.
I played in another poker bloggers tournament last night. Bob won last Sunday's tournament. I got lucky early and won a hand when I had a very small chance of winning. I lasted until 21st place and karma came my way when I lost a big hand that I should have won since I was the favorite. Anyway, Derek played great again and made the final table. He caught cold cards and did not advance. He was getting a lot of support once he made the final table. One blogger from Europe commented that Derek as the only "big name blogger" left at the final table. He overlooked the Poker Prof who also made the final table. Here's something hilarious... I funded both Derek's and Poker Prof's accounts. Without my help, they did not enough money in their accounts to play! If you care to read about the blogger tournament... visit the Tao of Poker.
Radio Free Pauly

You can download the MP3 of this week's show... Episode 24: Here.
You can download last week's show... Episode 23: Here.
You can read the show's notes: Here.
My segment starts at the 30:00 mark of the show and it lasts about 13-14 minutes. We talked about last week's blogger tournament and my prep for Vegas. Oh, I threw out a random Degrassi Junior High reference. Check it out! Sean was happy that I brought some original material to this episode. This week's show as always, features an interview with the Poker Prof who talks about the brand new Wynn casino.
If you want to catch up and listen to previous episodes, please visit their archives over at Brainscat. Thanks again to Sean for having me on.
That's it for now. I have to get back to writing.
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